There, I said it.
When I get home from a long day's being cute and quirky, remove my turban and carefully battered vintage shoes and put down Nietzsche's 'Untimely Meditations', I switch on MTV/VH1/E! for a healthy dose of skanks competing for love, celebreality goss and other trashtastic fun.
It was with great excitement, then, that I got ready to post about the cosmic alignment of Bebe and the Kardashian sisters. (I know, right?!!) I was going to rely on the show for tacky hilarity - thus creating less work for myself. "Very subtle" I would write under a picture of a bedazzled gynaecologist's appointment of a dress. "Hee hee, how droll" you would say, and talk about me with all your friends.
You can imagine my disappointment when the combined trash of Bebe and the good ship Kardashian gave birth to a collection destined for a Kmart bargain bin.

I know honey, that's how I felt too....
We had blah jersey dresses, last season's leather shorts and all manner of overused, overrated one-shoulder things.

This girl looks embarrassed to be here... plus her arm just looks cold and kind of left out.

You poor thing, you're lost? Local Liquor's back that way and to the left I think.

Oh thank christ for you! Why didn't you get here sooner, JWoWW? (correct me if my capitalisation's incorrect). But you wore your best Ed Hardy and polished up your lurex tights, you fabulous mess - let's go watch Rock of Love and drink goon.
A xx